
  • An accidental elevator jam at the office serves as pretext for Pig to dig into Violetta's life, who starts…
  • In a peripheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing…
  • A semi-retired special ops assassin and a DEA agent cross paths on separate missions to stop a cyber terro…
  •   一名男子死于一项实验性军事计划,一名前秘密行动士兵为了他寻找杀害他的凶手。
  •   Four friends whose lives changed forever with the arrival of a ton of cocain…
  • “Acapulco" tells the story of twenty-something Máximo Gallardo (Enrique Ar…
  •   Martin is an Economy teacher, one day, he win the biggest prize given on TV:…
  • 橙黄的布沙发,昏暗的台灯,一墙壁的书,窗外似乎总在下雨,风景模糊,房间里幽暗、安静,只隐约听到钟表指针摆动…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>一部像邀请某人到家的电影。在他位于圣保罗的公寓里,在煮咖啡和同性恋勾搭之间,…
  • 某個槍聲大作的午後,小女孩艾斯德蕾雅獨自返家,不僅苦等不回相依為命的母親,還開始見到一連串的異象。在恐懼驅…
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